Where else can I find information about the new booking system for GP appointments
This can be found on our website at www.westgatepractice.co.uk by following either the red banner at the top of the screen or selecting view practice news found on the left hand side of the screen or from menu on a mobile.
What if I don’t have a smartphone or have internet access?
The form is very simple to complete, so we encourage our patients to attempt this. You can ask a family member/next of kin to help with this. Anyone who has no way to complete the form, can ring or come to the practice so our staff can support you completing the form online. Please note that there may be a delay doing this at busy times, so finding a way of completing the form yourself or with help from a family member, will allow us to help you more quickly.
Does this process apply to all patients including children?
The new online triage form should be completed by patients who do not require an urgent or on the day appointment. This is regardless of age. If you or your child has an acute or on the day issue (that you feel needs to be assessed that day), then you should ring the practice from 8am to request an appointment. However, if you do not need an on the day assessment and it is for a non-urgent issue, then please complete the online triage form which a GP will then review and assess.
How do I book an appointment to see a member of the nursing team?
Our nursing appointments are not currently changing with the new triage process. Many of our nursing appointments are pre bookable. A large number of these are done via our self-book text links for pre-planned procedures and annual reviews. However, if you require an appointment with any member of our nursing team, please contact the surgery after 10:30am as this will allow those requiring an urgent on the day appointment to get through more quickly.
When should I expect to hear back from the practice after submitting my form?
Patients should hear back from the practice within 72 working hours of submitting the online form. This will probably be in the form of a text message and/or self-book link. If you do not hear anything after this timeframe, please make contact with the practice.