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Social prescribing

We all know that taking care of our health involves more than just medicine. Social prescribing can help with things going on in life that are not medical but are having an impact on your physical or mental health.

Why social prescribing?

A social prescription is a holistic prescription that looks at all aspects of wellbeing. It is looking at the mental and social issues alongside the physical health concerns you may be experiencing. It can be a way to connect you with the most appropriate activity or support, to feel more in control of your own health and be part of the community.

We don’t focus on what is the matter with you, more what matters to you!

How can a Social Prescribing Link Worker (SPLW) help?

Your SPLW will have an appointment with you to discuss what is affecting your wellbeing and what matters most to you. Together we can identify what might help, and the community links that might support your situation. We can signpost to different services or support you to attend a group or activity. It very much depends on your individual needs.

Benefits of social prescribing

  • Improved mental and physical wellbeing
  • Meeting new people, getting involved in the community, making new connections
  • Learning new skills, participating in new activities
  • Improved self-confidence and motivation
  • Looking at issues around housing, benefits and signposting to appropriate support

Referral to social prescribing

Your doctor and nurse at Westgate or any other health professional may suggest a referral to social prescribing. Or you can self-refer by asking at the Westgate reception.

There are two Social Prescribing Link Workers at Westgate Practice, Jenny and Tracey. Once we have received a referral we will aim to be in touch as soon as possible.

You can find further information about social prescribing at:

Enquiries phone: 0300 777 1207

Enquiries email:

Support Staffordshire is a Company Limited by Guarantee (Registered in England and Wales no. 8967045); and a Registered Charity (no. 1161077) Registered Address: Support Staffordshire, Stafford Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford, Staffordshire, ST16 3AQ