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Measles is a highly infectious disease than can result in life changing complications. Despite the seriousness of the illness, vaccination rates have been falling. If the trend is not reversed, then the outbreaks of the virus is likely to spread.


The first symptoms include:

  • A high temperature
  • A runny or blocked nose
  • Sneezing
  • A cough
  • Red, sore or watery eyes

Cold-like symptoms are followed a few days later by a rash, which starts on the face and behind the ears, before spreading. The spots are usually raised and can join together to form blotchy patches which are not usually itchy. Some people can get small spots in their moth too.

The vaccination

The measles vaccination is combined with protecting against mumps and rubella. The MMR vaccine was introduced in 1988 and a measles vaccine has been available since 1968. Two doses of the MMR vaccine are given to provide lifelong protection. The first dose is offered to babies at 1 year, with the second dose given at 3 yrs and 4 mth. If either dose has been missed, please contact the surgery.

The Westgate Practice will be contacting patients aged 25 years and under to invite them to have their MMR vaccination(s). This follows advice from the UK Health Security Agency. Our invitation will be sent via a text message containing a link to book your vaccine.

Please also visit and for further information.