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COPD review

COPD Questionnaire


Have you received a letter, text message or verbal invitation to complete this assessment?

For each inhaler you use, please tell us how many times each day you use the inhaler and how many puffs of the inhaler you use?

Do you use a spacer when using your inhalers? *

For information on how to use your inhaler, please visit

Have you ever attended an exercise course to improve your breathing?
Have you had any COPD exacerbations this year for which you have been prescribed steroid tablets (prednisolone) or antibiotics for your chest? *
Have you had any overnight hospital admissions relating to your lungs in the past 12 months? *
Do you cough up phlegm/sputum? *
Has this changed since your last review?
How often?
e.g. Clear/Green/Yellow/Brown
Is this new for you in the past 12 months?

We would like to know about your level of breathlessness, please select the most appropriate comment: *
Has this changed since your last review? *

Are you able to exercise? *
Has this changed since your last review?

Has your appetite changed in the past 12 months? *
Do you find it difficult to eat due to shortness of breath?
Do you feel this is related to your COPD?
Has this changed since your last review?

Blood Pressure (if possible)

Smoking and Vaping

Smoking/Vaping Status: *
Would you like to give up smoking/vaping? *

Additional Information